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While most of our work is focused on commercial customers in industrial settings, we do offer specialized services for residents.

Thermal Imaging- we are able to detect heat loss, areas of high moisture, mold grown, electrical hot spots, some plumbing issues & more using a thermal imaging camera. This camera can "see" if your insulation was properly installed, drafts coming through windows, issues with electrical wiring or at the box. Ask about a home scan today!!

EMF & RF Detection- as electronic devices grow in popularity, the phenomenon known as electromagnetic smog will increase greatly in the years to come. Sadly, most people don't even realize the short & long term effect(s) these waves have on biological organisms. We have specialized meters that can detect magnetic fields, electric fields & radiation fields of differing spectrums. These fields have many sources including the new smart meters that pulse at high level fields. We can do a scan of your home for RF and HF signals that you may know are there!!

Power Analysis- as electricity rates rise, people are looking for more ways to save energy & money. What many don't realize that efficiency starts at the source with the power itself. What you pay for and what you get can be a big difference. What we mean is that when you run an appliance with a motor or plug in an adapter cord it changes the "power factor" of the incoming power to the home. An ideal PF rating is 1.00, meaning 100% of the power is being put to work. But most homes have ratings between 0.7 and 0.85 which means that 15 to 30 percent of your power is not being put to work, but you still pay for it!! We have a special meter that can read power factor & many other characteristics such as current harmonics. We can determine what your PF is and show you how to correct it! It will pay for itself in a few short months in most cases!

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